Month: April 2016

  • Kards Week 35 Progress

    This week, some cards have been tweaked, though I’m still thinking about a few cards that could use some reworking. Self playtesting was done in general they felt pretty good. Coding wise, the above screenshot shows a minor difference from last week. A card is now highlighted after playing a card, which is the expected…

  • Kards Week 34 Progress

    This week, I did a bunch of self testing, reworked a few cards and made some more drastic rule changes. It again followed the rule from last week about restrictions making it easier to understand and flow better. This time it was about being to play a card anytime during your turn but you were…

  • Kards Week 33 Progress

    Another week of no code. Above is another clean drawing that was missing from Week 19 called ‘Quake Strike’. There were some important elements of the game that I wanted to try and fix instead. The main one was cards called ‘spells’. Originally, you could play these cards almost at any time. I thought it…

  • Kards Week 32 Progress

    Well, I didn’t do any coding this week. I spent it thinking about the card wording and re-looking at the rules. I still haven’t looked at all the feedback from the last play test. I was trying to reword some card effects so that they would cause less confusion in some situations. The problem is…