Unity is a cool game engine. I’ve been messing around with it, making games. The main draw for me was being able to code once and export to different platforms.
I have posts that help you export from Unity to iOS, Android and Windows phones.
- Stopping the StartCoroutine with blinking function
- Adding sorting layers to text
- Rotating things in Unity
- Using non-UI text in Unity
- Sound and music in Unity
- Screen Fader in Unity
- Wait for Real Seconds class using static function in Unity
- Touches in Unity
- Filling the extra areas of the screen in Unity
- Making particle effects in Unity
- Unity Prefabs
- Reusable Move Function in Unity
- Reusable Fade Function for Unity
- Animating in Unity
- Making a singleton in Unity
- Using Icon Fonts in Unity
- Delaying code in Unity
- Making reusable functions in Unity
- Doing Consistent Jumps in Unity
- Accessing code from other scripts in Unity
- Unity to Android checklist
- Gravity and Hit Detection in Unity
- Scaling Images to full screen in Unity
- Unity to iOS app store checklist
- Unity to Windows 8 Phone store checklist
- Unity’s screen point, viewport point and world point