The solution may seem simple but it took me a while to figure it out so I thought I’d note it here using a blinking function.
public IEnumerator animateTint(GameObject obj,Color newColour,float speed = 2){
Color originalColor = newColour;
Color targetColor = newColour;
Color defaultBtnColor = new Color();
ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString (btnColor, out defaultBtnColor);
while (obj.GetComponent<Renderer> ().material.color != newColour) {
Material objMat = obj.GetComponent<Renderer> ().material;
Color curColour = objMat.color;
if(closeEnough(curColour.r,targetColor.r) && closeEnough(curColour.g,targetColor.g) && closeEnough(curColour.b,targetColor.b) ){
//objMat.color = newColour;
print ("change tint "+targetColor);
if(targetColor == newColour){
targetColor = defaultBtnColor;
yield return StartCoroutine(CoroutineUtil.WaitForRealSeconds(1)); //2
targetColor = newColour;
//yield break;
buttonCode btnCode = obj.transform.parent.GetComponent<buttonCode> ();
objMat.color = Color.Lerp(curColour,targetColor, speed * Time.deltaTime);
objMat.color = Color.white;
yield return null;
//print ("tinting "+curColour);
yield return null;
The main part is
yield return null;
Other things going on here are converting a hex code string to a Unity colour using. (btnColor is a variable specified previously).
ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString (btnColor, out defaultBtnColor);
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