What is a singleton? Basically, it’s code that can be used by everything else. This means you can share code between scenes in Unity. I usually use this to make sharable GUI styles. This is the basic set up:
public class singleton : MonoBehaviour {
private static singleton instance;
void Awake()
instance = this;
Now you can specify variables and functions here that can be used by all other scripts. Here’s an example of a variable:
public GUIStyle styleFontAwesome;
instance.styleFontAwesome.font = (Font)Resources.Load("fontawesome-webfont");
instance.styleFontAwesome.normal.textColor = Color.white;
instance.styleFontAwesome.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
and an example of a function:
public static GUIStyle GetButtonStyle()
return instance.styleFontAwesome;
In this example defaultButtonStyle(); is a private function in the script.
When you’re done, attach the script to the first scene of your game. Then in any script you can reuse the function like so:
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