Month: June 2015
Demonfall Week 10 Progress
Well, got the logo designed (above). Tried a few variations and ended up with this; I’m quite happy with it. Also I fixed most of the bugs I’ve found so far. What’s next: more design stuff, let’s make the start menu pretty as well as make some of the assets for the game that are…
Making particle effects in Unity
In this example I’m making a lightning attack effect. The lightning image gets bigger as it reaches it’s target and the movement will be controlled via code. Make a new particle system by right clicking the hierarchy and selecting ‘Particle System’. Drag the sprite you want to use into that object. You may have to…
Unity Prefabs
What are prefabs? They’re game objects that are reusable. Examples of these could be collectable coins or enemies or enemy projectiles that appear multiple times in the game. To make a prefab, simply make a game object as always, then drag it into the assets folder (ideally in a folder called Prefabs or the like).…
Demonfall Week 9 Progress
Ok, so this week I got multitouch working. Mouse clicks don’t count as touches so I have to test it on a device. I’m using Unity Remote which is awesome. Basically it sends the game to the device whenever I hit the play/preview button. To make the left and right buttons work with touches I’ve…
Angular Filters
Ways to format and sort your data, pretty cool. {{0.1 | currency : ‘£’ }} = £0.10 {{‘20150613T13:23:30′ | date:’dd/MM/yyyy @ h:mma’ }} = 13/06/2015 @ 1:23PM {{‘all caps’ | uppercase }} = ALL CAPS {{‘Really long text’ | limitTo:14 }} = Really long te <li ng-repeat=”product in store.products | orderBy:’-price’” > = orders the…
Demonfall Week 8 Progress
This week I completed the last demon and started testing on an Android device (pictured above). A lot of it is working quite well. I found a bunch of bugs including the expected one where you can’t tap on 2 buttons at the same time. So, I’ll have to redo the button code. Hopefully it’s…
Angular Basics
To start using Angular, attach it either locally or via CDN. There are 4 main elements in Angular: Directives, Modules, Controllers and Expressions. Directives There are HTML attributes (or elements) that call the module code. An example of this is: <html ng-app=”moduleName”> This is an attribute directive. You can also right your own element directive…
Demonfall Week 7 Progress
Failed to reach my goals from last week this time. I spent too much time trying to get a particle effect for the demon (featured in the screenshot). In the end I did some compromising and I’m happy with the result. (The particle effect was so quick I couldn’t even take a screenshot of it.)…