Month: July 2017
Kards Week 100 Progress
All the rest of the content is laid out in the rule book Indesign file. The heading styles are in. I had to redo them because I wanted to remove hyphenation. The screenshot shows the last page with images. What’s next: I want to reread the text and then try to get a draft printed…
Kards Week 99 Progress
So I started to make the instruction manual in Indesign. I haven’t used Indesign in ages and I was never good at it. Anyways I put all the text in and the screenshot is the first page. Each page is going to be A6 sized. I folded an A4 page twice and it felt comfortable…
Kards Week 98 Progress
The blinking seems to be ending properly now when it’s finished. I’ve also tested it using a creature with the same effect as I was testing with a spell before. The screenshot shows the blinking ended when the highlighted creature’s effect ended. Also fixed some other bugs along the way. What’s next: I think it’s…
Kards Week 97 Progress
The blinking now disappears after playing a card as shown in the screenshot. It was a lot harder to do than expected though. Now that I think of it, I probably haven’t had to stop something happening repeatedly before. Also, it seems to be buggy in that sometimes the blinking is still there. I’ll have…