Month: October 2017
Kards Week 112 Progress
Got the start screen functioning. The ‘start’ button displays the 5 level buttons. It seems simple but it gave me a bunch of trouble. If you hide objects (like the 5 level buttons) without saving the object somewhere, it can’t be found and you can’t show it any more. Also the logo was not showing…
Kards Week 111 Progress
Screenshot is of another battle animation. All 5 levels are now mapped out. It could still be 6 if there are any extra rules to put in but for now it’s 5. One positive of digital card games compared to physical ones is that you don’t have to teach absolutely everything as some things can…
Kards Week 110 Progress
Screenshot is of another battle animation. There are now 5 tutorial levels with a possibility of 6. I split a level up into 2 since there were 2 fairly different concepts being introduced that I wanted separated. These levels are similar to the book version but each level is self contained instead of 1 continuous…
Kards Week 109 Progress
Screenshot is of another battle animation. For the tutorial levels, I wanted as few levels as possible. It started out with 3 but at the moment there’s 4 because there was something important that I wanted the player to learn. The first 2 levels are sorted out. It will be fully scripted because it’s easier…