Month: January 2014
Thoughts on games as art
To me art is something abstract where the audience decide on the meaning themselves. The creator may or may not have a point to make with it. Some games are like that whether it’s the whole game that quite make sense or a logical game with a hidden ‘higher’ meaning within it. I don’t consider…
Thoughts on Storytelling in Gaming
To me a story is linear and definite and in order to enjoy it to his fullest, you should be paying your full attention to it while the story is being told to you. If a game has multiple endings or choices that change the story I wonder which path was the real story and…
Thoughts on In game purchases
In app/game purchases (IAP) are here to stay because it’s popular and developers get more money out it. So why wouldn’t you want to do it? Well, there’s ethics. I don’t think IAPs are a bad thing but I believe there’s a good and a bad way of implementing them. If you can live with…
Unity to Windows 8 Phone store checklist
Now that Error Hunter’s out on the Windows 8 store, here’s a little checklist for what’s required. 1) In Unity, go to File/Build Settings/Windows Phone 8 Player Settings and put in the Company Name, Product Name and default Icon. This is the obvious part (though for some reason once you uploaded an icon image it…
Unity’s screen point, viewport point and world point
While developing Error Hunter in Unity, I found out there were 3 ways to display a point on screen: [clear]Screen point: The points are the pixel values. You can use Screen.width and Screen.height to get the full screen dimensions. Neat. [clear] View Point: Here the screen width and screen height are always 1, and everything…
Demon Spirit sketches
Even though the Demon Spirit is the earliest demon to appear in Eternal Pain, he was the latest to be added. He was put in due to feedback that it took way too long for a demon to show up when you first started playing and this was true. The other demons were all standing…