Month: March 2016
Kards Week 31 Progress
This week, we got some play testing done :D It’s been a while since that happened and there were some new mechanics added since then. I gained a lot of insight and it made me think about rewording some things and reworking others. I will also be re-looking at the rules. In terms of the…
Kards Week 30 Progress
The button that plays the card from the hand works – at it’s most basic level at least. I need it to move to the next card in the hand afterwards and I need to hide the info box during the animation only as well among other things. This got me thinking that the info…
Kards Week 29 Progress
The navigation of the hand’s cards is now working. I’ve put all the card’s texts into the game so it shows up in the info box when the card is selected. What’s next: putting in the buttons that you play the cards from the hand.
Kards Week 28 Progress
Well, the guardians are in and the cards in the hand are positioned. This is the solution that I came up with. It might change but it does do what I want it to do, so we’ll stick with this for now. I’ve moved the guardians to side a bit so the navigation buttons can…
Rotating things in Unity
The amount of rotation uses something called ‘Quaternion’. Set one up like so: newRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0,0,90); The 3 values are x,y,z. In the example, it rotates 90 degress on the z axis. Then to animate this rotation, in the Update() function: transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp (transform.rotation,newRotation,Time.deltaTime * someSpeedVar); You can also use ‘Slerp’ instead of ‘Lerp’ if the rotation looks weird, but…