For any items on the page that you want to animate when scrolled to add a ‘data-scroll-class’ attribute with the string of what class you want to add to animate and an optional ‘data-scroll-delay’ attribute with the amount of delay you want in seconds. For example:
<div data-scroll-class="animate" data-scroll-delay="2"></div>
Then add this js
$(window).scroll(function() {
var scrollAmt = parseInt($(window).scrollTop()+$(window).height() / 2);
$('[data-scroll-class]').each(function(i, obj) {
var $el = $(this);
if(scrollAmt > $(this).offset().top){
var scrollClass = $(this).attr("data-scroll-class");
var thisDelay = $(this).attr("data-scroll-delay")*1000 || 0;
var addScrollClass = setTimeout(
}, thisDelay);
What’s happening is when you scroll to the middle of an element with the data-scroll-class attribute it will add the class of that’s specified in ‘data-scroll-class’ with a delay if that’s specified as well.
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