First we have our JSON file so like:
[{ "name": "Azurite", "price": 2.95, "canPurchase": true }, { "name": "Bloodstone", "price": 5.95, "canPurchase": true }, { "name": "Zircon", "price": 3.95, "canPurchase": false }]
To use it, instead of
app.controller('basicController', function(){ this.products = gems; });
where gems is a variable that has all the data in an array, we change it to:
app.controller('basicController', ['$http', function($http){ var thisVar = this; thisVar.products = []; $http.get('gems.json').success(function(data){ thisVar.products = data; }); } ] );
We add $http as an argument into the function and use the get method to get the JSON file. We also give a variable for ‘this’ so the method can use and assign out JSON data to whatever we want.
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