Sword and Fairy 1 (2024) Drama Review – part 2

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Episode 22

So Bai Yue shows up and realistically with this many opponents he really shouldn’t be able to beat them. Mr Shi’s self sacrifice attack should also realistically damage him at least, but this episode is to show how overpowered he is. Again, I really liked the changes they made to Mr Shi. Also Xiao Yao does not comment about Ling’er’s mother’s statue having a snake body. The Golden Silkworm King is a medicine that can save someone’s life but makes someone else to basically be dead. What a useful medicine..

Episode 23

They’re in the cherry blossom village now. The part I just find unbelievable is that Yueru did not get charmed because they tried to steal her stuff a few times and failed. Even though she slept the night there. She meets Bao Pu (I call him Mr Plain) and wow he is the opposite of Anu – a minor character given so much more story and screen time than his character deserves. Anyways he seemed like a nice guy at first. Yueru is obviously the hero here. When she turns people back to themselves, the pink eyes in them look kind of scary haha. It’s not really explained why Mr Plain keeps trying to steal Ling’er’s things. Maybe he sensed her high energy..

Episode 24

Phoenix girl does the one and only thing she does in the drama….fan out the flames on the sacred tree. ok. So Mr Plain and his master Taoist Wood come to fight the main characters for their beads. Xiao Yao and Taoist Wood don’t seem to care that they use the same sword technique. Taoist Wood uses wind magic and Ling’er tells the others it’s the power of the spiritual beads – their primary goal. So, it makes no sense that when they defeat the two, they’d let Mr Plain go and not look for Taoist Wood sooner. They could run away with the bead (which they did). The betrayal of Mr Plain to his master was very brutal.

Episode 25

Mr Plain goes to Mt Shu to try to get them to help him defeat the main characters. They’re not sure about it but then King of Prison just shows up and basically says “just go capture the demoness”. They keep talking about investigating yet there is none. During the fight the Shu student Tai Wu asks: “Why do you know Drunken Sword Immortal’s technique?” Xiao Yao responds with: “I won’t tell you”. That’s pretty disrespectful to a peer of Drunken Sword Immortal who he clearly respects. This fight while cool just felt so meaningless and preventable. Ling’er makes Xiao Yao and Yueru forget about her… which is an interesting move. The two are still on a quest for the beads… so it’s not like they’ll be free of any danger. She just doesn’t want any danger to be because of her?

Episode 26 – 27

Xiao Yao and Yueru go back to the capital because the cousin is sick and meet his wife Cai Yi. Tang Yu talks about his past which is sad and talks about how Anu saved him as a kid…. and that’s about it for their story. Not much really happens with the cousin until Yueru’s dad brings a doctor who says it’s demonic. Although a minor character/event the Taoist coming in to try to remove evil spirits was a memorable moment for me in the game and was done well here.

Episode 28

So in the drama they want to portray the cousin as a good person. So he gets mad at the Taoist because he wants to defend his wife being called a demon. Oh boy, we cut to a scene with Ling’er fainted on rock with a lady dressed in blue called Wan’er in some sword graveyard place. The last we saw of her was in episode 26. Mr Plain is trying to absorb her powers in her prison when a sword appears and then Ling’er is gone. She was in a conscious state at this point. The transition to this about 1.5 episodes later I thought was just poor video editing. I had to go back and rewatch the previous scene to have some idea of what was going on. Also Ling’er tells Wan’er “I have Xiao Yao” which makes zero sense after she erased his memories. I guess she has to tell her about him for the plot.. Cousin seems like he knows something about his wife but it’s never really revealed if he does or not.

Episode 29

Drunken master is back and he’s such a great character. The fight with the spider was pretty cool. The ending to this section is sad and beautiful because the relationship between the cousin and his wife was so good. The scene where Xiao Yao takes 3 hits from Yueru’s dad is cool… how about teach some of these moves to your daughter XD

Episode 30 – 31

They’re at Mt Shu now. Mr Plain controlling the student Tai Wu was pretty cool and then Little Stone sacrificing himself to save them was noble and sad. The story of Jiang Che is a very cool one to me. I knew of his character in the game but not his story – like how he ended up in the demon locking tower. Seeing the iconic Wine God was great. The demon locking tower…. has next to no demons in it lol. The reference to the demon in the pot was nice – I still don’t know his story. We find out Bai Yue is the only person who can cure the Golden Silkworm Venom – how weird for it to be common knowledge and convenient for the story..

Episode 32

Tang Yu “kills” Gai Luojiao one night but she’s still alive in the morning – great. Wan’er wants to use her dad to kill Xiao Yao. Even Yueru has no idea how that would make Ling’er happy. Doesn’t matter how many books she reads if she’s dumb. Xiao Yao knowing nothing about the seven star sword still goes to hold it down when it’s coming out of the ground..

Episode 33

Xiao Yao’s sword breaks and then gets given a better sword… again. I really liked Jiang Che’s character. His daughter not so much XD. Mr Plain is finally gone. His death was well overdue. When Xiao Yao tells Yueru to go, where is she supposed to go? :p Xiao Yao for the entire series has been denying negative things he doesn’t want to hear and saying bad things are impossible to happen to him. You’d think after all that’s happened and at this point of the story he’d have matured, especially after talking about distinguishing good from evil rather than human from demon. But, he’s being his same old self again and made Yueru sad for asking what if Ling’er is a demon. Finally Xiao Yao reunites with Ling’er and finds out the truth about her. I thought this scene was about accepting her for who she is but even the show seemed scared of doing that and transformed Ling’er back to her human form right away. Yueru didn’t even see her in her snake form which I thought was important as she said she didn’t want to keep any secrets from her. Anyways, Xiao Yao remembering they were married was an emotional scene as expected. The fight with the Prison King was great. Ling’er seems to specialise in thunder magic here even though she can use all five elements in the game.

Episode 34

A great tribute episode to Yueru. They actually hint at keeping Yueru alive which is interesting if not kind of creepy.

Episode 35

Drunk master noticing Xiao Yao with the seven star sword was a nice touch. The fight with the Fire beast was…. surprisingly easy. What a nice old man. I kind of just noticed now that Tang Yu’s sword has the same red glow as Bai Yue… Xiao Yao goes back to the past and has more fun and cool interactions with the younger drunken master. One thing I found odd was.. this world 10 years ago was supposed to be full of floods, yet there’s no sign of it here. A whole bunch of common folk are at Bai Yue’s ‘secret hideout’ so I don’t see how it’s a secret.

Episode 36

The fact that the Queen hid the fact that she’s not human from the King for this long is…. interesting. I forgot who Lady Lingyue is since she’s only mentioned at the beginning and we never saw her in the present.The fisherman that Lingyue is disguised as looks so…. fishy XD.

Episode 37

I found Lingyue’s lip syncing/voice acting distractingly out of sync haha. Xiao Yao goes to the fairy island and does what he has to do to keep the present consistent (including that useless password phrase). He then goes back to Yuhang and while there are some nice moments, to me it felt quite draggy. Them beating up the Moon Worshipper guys felt pointless. It also felt like he was trying waaaay too hard to try and tell his aunty he was Xiao Yao.

Episode 38

Finding out that Xiao Yao’s childhood vision of his dad was actually his future self was very sad. Xiao Yao should already be clear about his parent’s deaths at this point yet he still seems shocked to hear it again. Then he comes back to the present and Bai Yue is waiting for him. He somehow knows Xiao Yao went to the past 10 years ago to take the water bead. sure. His entire plan was to guide Xiao Yao all the way to make sure he makes the trip to the past. In my opinion this is utter nonsense and terrible writing. There were so many instances where Xiao Yao and Ling’er (because he needs her too) were close to dying or being trapped forever and Bai Yue did nothing. Also if Xiao Yao dies, then the water bead would not be stolen into the future and Bai Yue wouldn’t have to wait 10 years to get it back. Whatever. The fight against Bai Yue was cool though.

Episode 39

We farewell the drunken master but he was a great character even till the end. Also Xiao Yao’s sword breaks and then instantly gets given a better sword… again. (Even though I like the seven star sword better because it has a story). Anu’s back… yay? The drink scene with thoughts of Yueru was nice.

Episode 40

I thought Anu would at least help with the final fight against Bai Yue but nope, just some soldiers and Tang Yu. No happy ending for them either. Finding out Tang Yu didn’t want to kill Gai Luojiao was nice (although also kind of funny she failed to kill herself instantly). The water demon makes some funny noises when it attacks. Great final fight and touching final moments for Xiao Yao and Ling’er. The meadows scene was kind of odd but I guess it would have been a pretty sad ending otherwise. And that’s the end :)

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Mark Wong is a front end developer with 10+ years experience. Most of his knowledge of HTML5, CSS and Js is self taught.


February 2025